Monday, December 1, 2014

Is it Christmas yet?

I cannot believe how fast the semester has flown by.  I guess the saying "time flies when you are having fun" is true.  I love being a Catholic missionary.  I could not think of anything that I would rather be doing with my life right now!  Thank you again to all who support me through prayers or financial donations.  I could not be on mission without you!

Fr. James Brent is a Dominican Friar who teaches at the Catholic University of America.  He is taking the year away from his job as a professor to travel around the country and preach to college students about our Catholic faith.  Fr. James had a fireside chat with some students at Benedictine College to discuss how and why we need to reach out to others even at a Catholic school like Benedictine.

At the end of November we had 20 students from Benedictine apply to be FOCUS missionaries!  15 of those students were invited and participated in an Interview Weekend in Kansas City.  We should be hearing soon about which students were given and offer and accepted the position as a missionary.

This lovely family took me in for Thanksgiving!  Kaitlyn Schulte, a missionary at the University of North Texas, invited me to stay at her house and celebrate Thanksgiving with her and her family in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

We are blessed to have such a large FOCUS team here at Benedictine College - not many teams can create a full nativity scene like we can.  Merry Christmas!