Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Autumn in Texas

I have recently come to a greater appreciation of the beautiful fall season that we have in New England every year.  Not everyone gets to experience crisp autumn days or beautiful foliage.  It has become a litter cooler here in Waco, TX, but this fall season is nothing like what I am used to.  Even though I've been missing it, it has still be a lot of fun here at Baylor this past month.

Happy Fall! (from left to right: Jennifer, Ella, myself, Dominique, Brianna)

Fun fall party at Rachel's house

Fr. Jonathan Kalisch, a Dominican priest from CT, came to visit us at Baylor!

Baylor students and missionaries at a FOCUS Interview Weekend in Oklahoma City

Some of the girls from my Bible studies at Benedictine College were at Interview Weekend in Oklahoma City - it was great to see them!

Thursday night Bible study

Our Thanksgiving Turkey Tradition

Thanksgiving spent with the family was the best!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Set the World on Fire"

     About once a month, we hold a meeting with all of our student missionaries which we call "Upper Room."  Just as Jesus met with His disciples in the upper room, we meet with our disciples to share in fellowship together and refocus ourselves on the mission to build up the Church.  This month's upper room had a theme of "Come Ready for Battle."  We asked all of our student missionaries to come ready for battle...and they sure did (see pictures below)!
     During Upper Room, we talked about how we are all called to be "fire-starters" for Christ.  Saint Anthony Mary Claret says is best: "Those who are consumed with love set on fire everything in their path.  They unceasingly expend themselves to light the fire of divine love in the world."  Additionally, we also explained the theme of "Come Ready for Battle."  By coming dressed for battle, we were able to make visible the invisible reality around us - the battle for souls.  80% of Catholics leave their faith between the ages of 18-23.  As ambassadors for Christ, we love these souls and want them to know the love that God has for them.  Upper Room was a great night for fellowship, fun, and vision casting.

Dressed and ready for battle.

25 "Fire-starters" for Christ!

When you are dressed in battle gear, it is only fitting to take an intense photo too!


In addition to Upper Room, we recently hosted a Missions Fiesta to promote the foreign mission trips that we are leading as missionaries.  Serving on a mission trip is an amazing experience in which one encounters Christ in the poor.  I am so excited for all of the students that will come on mission this year! 
Matt is leading a summer trip to Haiti.  Eric is leading a summer trip to the Amazon.  Helcio is leading a summer trip to Honduras.  I am leading a spring break trip to Mexico City.  I have already had 5 students apply to come with me to Mexico City!

About 15 students expressed some interest in foreign mission trips

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What it means to WIN

The three phases of outreach that we concentrate on within FOCUS are Win, Build, and Send.  Since we arrived in Waco at Baylor University, we have been focusing on the "Win" stage.  This does not mean winning all of the Baylor football games, although this has happened thus far.  Winning refers to winning souls for Christ and to our apostolate.  In the "Win" stage, we meet students where they are at and form genuine friendships with them.  That means eating meals together, playing and watching sports together, going on hikes, doing crafts, having movie and game nights, praying together, and much more.  Basically, we must enter into student life here at Baylor to be influential later on in the "Build" and "Send" phases.  Just as Saint Paul says, "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more.  To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win the Jews..." (1 Corinthians 9: 19-20).  In our words, "To the Baylor students we became as Baylor students, in order to win the Baylor students."

Here are some ways we are building friendships and gaining trust with Baylor students:

Help freshmen move-in

Hike in Cameron Park

Dress like a Texan

Go to Baylor football games and cheer on our undefeated team

Go to the on campus Brad Paisley concert

Hammock together

Pray together

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Howdy Y'all

I have safely arrived and settled in Waco, TX!  Can you believe it?

I have just begun my third year of missionary work with FOCUS and this is my first year at...

I am serving as the Team Director here.  My main role is to lead my team in evangelization and mission on campus at Baylor University.

Meet the new team!

From left to right: Erin Corbett (2nd year from Colorado Springs, CO), Eric Goetz (1st year from Grinnell, KS), Kaitlin Gilday (Team Director from Pelham, NH), Helcio Sumbe (1st year from Houston, TX), Fr. Daniel Liu (Chaplain), and Matt Christen (1st year from Mesa, AZ)

*Stay tuned for another blog post from me soon.  The new team and students are just getting settled, but when we do, I cannot wait to share more pictures of campus and students with you!

Monday, March 16, 2015

?Habla espanol?


     My 8 years of French classes did not come in handy during my time in Daule, Ecuador...
Esta bien!  The people of Daule were so kind and hospitable - our trip was amazing!  We were surrounded by some of the most generous, loving people that I have met.  We truly encountered Christ in the poor in Ecuador.  The trip gave a new meaning to "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
     Our group was made up of missionaries and students from the University of Pittsburgh, Winona State Universty, the University of Virgnia, Northeastern University, George Mason University, the University of New Mexico, and Benedictine College.  We bonded throughout the week and grew together in our relationship with Christ.
     A typical day in Daule, Ecuador...
7:30am - Wake up
8:00am - Eat breakfast
8:30am - Drive in Homero's truck to our work location
9:00 - 12:00pm - Work in the chapel, visit people's houses, and/or do activities with los ninos
12:30pm - Lunch at Amelia's house
1:00 - 2:00pm - Prayer
2:00 - 3:00pm - Mass with the people in the area
3:00pm - Drive in Homero's truck back to our house
3:30 - 4:30pm - Siesta
4:30 - 6:30pm - Bible study with the adults and/or play soccer with los ninos
6:30pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Our group debriefed from the day
9:00 - 10:00pm - Shower hour
10:00pm - Goodnight

Our group in front of the chapel we helped build with the people of Daule.

The FOCUS missionaries who directed and led the trip.
(Ninoska, Matt, Jodi, Nate, and Kaitlin)

Our rustic location for Mass and Adoration each day.
Pigs, chickens, ducks, and dogs roamed freely as we prayed.

Laying tile in the chapel.

Everyday we had a siesta after our work time.

"Selfie" in the back of Homero's pick up truck.
18 of us travelled for 15 minutes to and from our working location in the back of a pick up truck.

Activities with the youth in the village.

The house we ate lunch in everyday after a hard day's work.

Walking in between the rice fields to Homero's truck.

Homero taught us how to milk cows.
We even got to drink the milk right after it came out of the cow!

El banos was a bit different than what we were accustomed to...

Ninoska, our trip director, made sure everyone was drinking plenty of clean water throughout the week to prevent dehydration!

We went to the Cathedral in Daule to see the incorrupt body of Saint Narcisa!

The city of Guayaquil.

Overall, we had an amazing trip to Ecuador.  Each of us has been impacted in a unique and meaningful way that will remain with us for the rest of our lives.  The people of Daule will always be remembered in our prayers!


Monday, February 16, 2015

SEEK, Nuns and Beards?

No, nuns do not have beards, but both nuns and beards were at SEEK.  January and February have been filled with SEEK followups, time with the Marian Sisters of Lincoln, NE and men on campus participating in "Beard Season."

First off, the Marian Sisters... It is such a gift and a witness to have nuns present on Benedictine's campus.  Not only are they great examples of the beautiful vocation of religious life, but they are so kind and a lot of fun!

Secondly, "Beard Season"... On the eve of November 1st, men shave their beards for one last time before the eve of Valentine's Day.  They go for 3 1/2 months of no shaving to compete for "Burliest Beard," "Longest Beard," "Most Suffered Beard," "Best Carved Beard," and "Best Mustache."  They finally get to shave the night before Valentine's Day.

Thirdly, SEEK2015... This conference was amazing!  Check out the video at the end of the post to get the feel for what it was like to be at SEEK2015 this past January!

The Marian Sisters came over for dinner! (Sr. Amy Marie, Sr. Claire, Sr. Serena)

My discipleship chain went Christmas caroling to a nursing home with the Marian Sisters.

How many pencils can you consecutively stick into your beard?  
This is part of the judging process for "Burliest Beard" competitors.

The stages of Michael's beard.  
After 3 1/2 months of growth, he won "longest beard" at Benedictine College!

I joined Krista's Bible study that sent cards and cookies to the seminarians in the diocese.

A massage train was NEEDED after our trip with 300 students to SEEK2015 in Nashville, TN!

SEEK2015 video!  Re-live the experience!