My 8 years of French classes did not come in handy during my time in Daule, Ecuador...
Esta bien! The people of Daule were so kind and hospitable - our trip was amazing! We were surrounded by some of the most generous, loving people that I have met. We truly encountered Christ in the poor in Ecuador. The trip gave a new meaning to "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Our group was made up of missionaries and students from the University of Pittsburgh, Winona State Universty, the University of Virgnia, Northeastern University, George Mason University, the University of New Mexico, and Benedictine College. We bonded throughout the week and grew together in our relationship with Christ.
A typical day in Daule, Ecuador...
7:30am - Wake up
8:00am - Eat breakfast
8:30am - Drive in Homero's truck to our work location
9:00 - 12:00pm - Work in the chapel, visit people's houses, and/or do activities with los ninos
12:30pm - Lunch at Amelia's house
1:00 - 2:00pm - Prayer
2:00 - 3:00pm - Mass with the people in the area
3:00pm - Drive in Homero's truck back to our house
3:30 - 4:30pm - Siesta
4:30 - 6:30pm - Bible study with the adults and/or play soccer with los ninos
6:30pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Our group debriefed from the day
9:00 - 10:00pm - Shower hour
10:00pm - Goodnight
Our group in front of the chapel we helped build with the people of Daule.
The FOCUS missionaries who directed and led the trip.
(Ninoska, Matt, Jodi, Nate, and Kaitlin)
Our rustic location for Mass and Adoration each day.
Pigs, chickens, ducks, and dogs roamed freely as we prayed.
Laying tile in the chapel.
Everyday we had a siesta after our work time.
"Selfie" in the back of Homero's pick up truck.
18 of us travelled for 15 minutes to and from our working location in the back of a pick up truck.
Activities with the youth in the village.
The house we ate lunch in everyday after a hard day's work.
Walking in between the rice fields to Homero's truck.
Homero taught us how to milk cows.
We even got to drink the milk right after it came out of the cow!
El banos was a bit different than what we were accustomed to...
Ninoska, our trip director, made sure everyone was drinking plenty of clean water throughout the week to prevent dehydration!
We went to the Cathedral in Daule to see the incorrupt body of Saint Narcisa!
The city of Guayaquil.
Overall, we had an amazing trip to Ecuador. Each of us has been impacted in a unique and meaningful way that will remain with us for the rest of our lives. The people of Daule will always be remembered in our prayers!
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